Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Step2 Push Around Buggy - Best toy purchase !

Today, I thought I would share one of the best toys we have purchased for our son. 
This is is the Step 2 Push Around Buggy which I purchased for $20 on craigslist. At first, it was just a toy I could use (other than my stroller) to take my son to the park. Shortly after purchasing it though, it quickly replaced my bob stroller and took its place in the trunk of my car. Now, we take my son everywhere in this, to the mall, the grocery store, Target, duck pond, park etc. I can't say how much we love it and my son loves it too. I can run errands and never deal with him trying to get out, like he use to do with the stroller. It has been a life saver and I can't imagine life without it. 
To be honest, buying everything second hand sometime makes me a little sad inside. In this case though, I was fortunate to purchase the older version. I quickly found out that the older version of this buggy has a removable handle vs. the newer version which is screwed in and not removable. So, when I need to make more room in my car, I can remove the handle. 
This has been one of the best toy purchased we have ever made! life without it is un-imaginable. Not only that, I get so many 'oohs' and 'awwww so cute' when he's in it.
The only downfall is that it doesn't have a cup holder. I did manage to make a cup holder for him, so it's perfect now :)

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